FREEDOMS of BUNYORO-KITARA KINGDOM - Honorary Freedom of the City of Kibaale

6.500 Inhabitants
Kibaale is located in Buyaga County, approximately 219 kilometres (136 mi), by road, west of Kampala, Uganda's capital and largest city. The coordinates of the town are: 00 47 24N, 31 03 54E (Latitude: 0.7900; Longitude: 31.0650).
The landmarks within the town limits or close to the edges of the town include:
  • The headquarters of Kibaale District Administration, Kibaale Central Market, Kibaale Hotel - A private lodging establishment, The town of Bwamiramira - Located approximately 5 kilometres, by road, west of Kibaale, A mobile branch of PostBank Uganda, Kagadi Hospital, Uganda Women’s University