Mutual Recognition Arrangement are useful tools for both parties, institutions, orders, education institutions, universities, colleges etc..
Mutual Recognition Arrangement should weld together the two parties and open up countless possibilities.
Mutual Recognition Arrangement promote and support the acceptance of the Parties to each other and worldwide.


Standardization and related activities -- General vocabulary, defines an MLA as a “…recognition arrangement that covers the acceptance of each other’s results by more than two parties”. MLAs are voluntary agreements among bodies that operate on the basis of the recognition of equivalency among signatories. It ensures that procedures meet the requirements of a given standard. An MLA is also a confidence building mechanism as it helps to ensure the competence importing into Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom, and vice versa.

Types of MLA’s
  • Cultural sector
  • Health care sector
  • Institution sector
  • Order, Honor, Award sector
  • Education institutions sector
  • University sector
  • College sector
  • Development sector
  • Sanitation sector
  • etc.

Aim of MLA’s

  • One Test, One Report, Accepted Everywhere
  • One Audit, One Certificate, Accepted Everywhere
  • Elimination of redundant and costly activities
  • Avoidance of duplication of work in testing and Certification
  • Promotion of transparency
  • Elimination of predatory practices and roadblocks

Benefits of MLA’s
Despite the differences between the two, there are many common benefits. These include:

  • Increasing acceptance.
  • Providing with an opportunity to test and certify one time to the requirements.
  • Ensuring that an accreditation body’s program is re-evaluated regularly against best practices.
  • Overall these agreements reduce the burden on both parties and regulatory departments, thereby facilitating negotiation better. MLAs/MRAs do not require signatory to harmonize their standards or regulations of both parties. Instead, these agreements develop closer and stronger relationships among both parties.
  • Products may be shipped directly to both parties without any further requirements for testing and/or certification, thereby reducing costs and time
  • Promoting transparency in access and competition
  • Reduces and minimizes barriers
  • Shortens the time for implement to introduce their products into both parties