GOODWILL PROGRAMS - Goodwill Consuls
- The Goodwill Consuls titles are real and unique titles, because the King is a constitutionally guaranteed King of the Republic of Uganda; Chapter 16 / § 246 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda.
- Goodwill Consuls have no internal functions but they are Consuls for the reputation of the Kingdom.
- Goodwill Consuls will be only persons who have no criminal record and who are on the legitimate ground of each country.
- Goodwill Consuls have sent his CV including a current passport photo via e-mail to the administration.
- The transmitted documents are checked.
- Goodwill Consuls are published into the internationally specialist press and the newspaper in the Kingdom Bunyoro-Kitara.
- The appointment as a Goodwill Consuls of the Kingdom Bunyoro-Kitara is associated with a donation and processing fee to the ARKBK CLBG. This donation is directly paid to the account of ARKBK CLBG -Rep. Uganda- and is used for development projects to 100% in the Kingdom Bunyoro-Kitara.
Goodwill Consul-Package:
- Sealed, stamped and registered certificate.
- Reproduced picture of the King.
- Use of the Goodwill Consul-Emblem on the own stationary and the business cards and so on.
- Use the Goodwill Consul title on the on stationary and the business cards and so on.
- Information about the Kingdom.
- Information about the possible cooperation in the ARKBK CLBG.
- Emblem of the Goodwill Consuls via e-mail.
- Updated information via e-mail, at variable intervals.
There are different ranks:
- Goodwill Consul - General
- Goodwill Vice Consul - General
- Goodwill Consul
- Goodwill Vice - Consul
- Goodwill Consular Agent

You want to be a Goodwill Consul?